A few tips to get you up for an early a.m. workout

Now that daylight savings is in full effect, and it’s cold/dark in the morning, it’s almost too easy to hit snooze and skip that morning workout. These days if I don’t work out in the morning, it just won’t happen–so I have to prioritize and make sure I’m getting up at 4:45…at least most of the time 😉


Tip #1:
Set your alarm for 5 minutes before you have to actually get your feet on the ground, but DON’T press snooze. The snooze button is a death trap, but giving yourself 5 minutes before getting out of bed to scroll social media, meditate, or just give yourself a pep talk is extremely beneficial.

Tip #2:
Make sure you prepare as much as possible the night before- pack your lunch, pick out your gym outfit/ work clothes, make sure your shaker bottle is clean…whatever you need to feel on top of your game, so you aren’t running around like a psycho at 5 am while your husband waits on you (just me?? okay…)

Tip #3:
Reward yourself!! Think about the delish protein shake that’s coming your way, the cute new lulu outfit you have to wear..whatever get’s you going.

Tip #4:
Accountability. If you have someone who is waiting on you, you are much more likely to get up! For me, my husband get’s up with me, so if I know he’s ready to workout, I don’t want to hold him back. If there isn’t a workout bud that can go at 5 am, find an accountability partner you can check in with.

Tip #5:
Schedule Schedule Schedule. If it’s not realistic for you to get up early every day, then pick 3-4 days (or whatever your goal is) and stick to those days!! If at the beginning of the week, you just say “oh I’ll workout when I get the chance”…it is NOT going to happen. Make it a priority by putting it in your schedule, and sticking to those specific days.

Any tips you have to getting up at the crack of dawn??


Motivation Monday: Finding Balance

I can’t believe I haven’t updated this blog in one whole month! Life has been a bit overwhelming (work + school + life in general). I won’t bore you with the details, but it really got me thinking about balance.

you-can-do-anythingimage via

The word balance is kind of thrown around (pinterest, i’m looking at you)…but obviously anyone who has to juggle life, kids, school, work, working out, relationships, traumatic life events…whatever…know that it’s not quite that simple.

I put so much pressure on myself, but I realized that a major part of balance is only attempting to balance what truly matters. I realized that sometimes it just does not matter if the dishes are done or I can’t fit a workout in. It’s not necessary to try and juggle a million things at once. Sure I can take on too much, but it’s only a matter of time before something isn’t getting proper attention. There are periods of life where more is possible, and others where it’s simply survival mode. Only YOU know where you are at and what you can truly handle.

A huge aspect of health is mental health, and pushing yourself to the limit is no way to treat yourself. I think we are our own worst critic (can’t be just me, right?), but you can’t forget to cut yourself some slack!! I really need to take my own advice on this. Don’t forget about your mental and emotional health!

Have a great week!


Fit girl essentials for the dorm room

When I was doing my undergrad I was far from fit. My sleeping habits were the worst, I ate junk, and rarely worked out (and it was usually like 30 min on the elliptical). Ironically my major was Public Health, and as I got more into my program I realized that a few small things made me feel so much better. By the time I was in my senior year, I got more into working out and quit the pizza habit, and weight started to come off and I felt a million times better…SO my point is…developing a few great habits in college will pay off in the long run!

To avoid the freshman 15 and keep yourself feeling energized, I recommend a few inexpensive basics for the dorm room. I am back in school (although thankfully not living in a dorm), and these things are key in helping me stay on track this year.


Yoga mat– if your school doesn’t have a fitness center or you don’t have access to a gym- a yoga mat is essential! There are SO many free body weight workouts available on youtube! There are also a few hot blogging babes that provide body weight programs too!

Water bottle– Get a large water bottle and fill that sucker up and carry it with you ALL DAY. Hydration is key!! Especially before you go out!

Crops/Sports bra/shoes– get some workout gear you feel great it. F21 has some cheap stuff that is great, and the material actually feels high-quality. If you have the gear, you’re more likely to hit the gym. Gap also has great stuff that will probably be on sale come Labor day. 😉

Peanut Butter- if you are in a dorm (or even an apartment w/roommates) the amount of space you have is probably limited. Get some natural nut butter to throw on an apple,crackers,toast,celery…a spoon…before class.

Protein/Bars– Use amazon or BB.com to get some protein or questbars. Both are great to have on hand for a last minute snack!

If you were used to doing sports or working out in high school, keep it up! If you continue to eat the same way you always have (or more), with less exercise those lbs are going to pack on quick. Even if you never really worked out before, simply walking around campus is a great way to get some activity in!

Any other dorm room tips for the fit girl?? Let me know! Tweet me @afitgirlsguide


Motivation Monday: simple changes for a healthier life

When most people decide it’s time to make a change to their lifestyle, they feel extremely intimidated/overwhelmed by all of the “must-do” things that are suggested over and over by health gurus/media/women’s magazines, etc. etc. [juicing, #cleaneating, hitting the gym hard everyday, and on and on foreverrrr]. So overwhelmed they just stop.

It’s too bad!! Even little changes can make a big impact, and especially for those who currently aren’t doing much in the health/fitness aspect of life.

SO…if you are trying to get a little more fit, or just want to be even more bad ass then you already are, or just start from scratch, here are a few ideas.
Don’t forget!! If you are trying to adopt a new habit – only do one thing at a time!!


  • one 8oz glass of water before your morning cup of coffee (or diet coke)
  • a 15 minute walk after dinner
  • try 1 new class at the gym
  • 5 minutes of meditation (even in your car!!)
  • youtube yoga sesh
  • walk while you watch your kids play sports
  • always drink water with dinner
  • try meal prepping 1 item this week
  • get up from your desk and walk 2x per day
  • invite your co-worker (or child/friend/whoever) for an after lunch walk
  • or take a walk with your thoughts
  • try a new-to-you walking or hiking path
  • pack your lunch 1 extra time this week
  • give meal planning a try (or just plan dinners or lunches or snacks)
  • swap 1 soda for 1 extra cup of water today
  • put in your headphones and go for a walk, jog, run, bike ride! (i LOVE listening to podcasts while walking)
  • take your dog for a walk instead of making your kids do it
  • if you already walk, take a jog!
  • do a 10 minute HIIT/circuit workout

Again…just pick ONE and stick with it for a week or 2. Think about how you felt after, if it’s something you like, brought you happiness, or made you feel better in any way, keep it up! Remember that exercise is for so much more than just losing weight. These days sitting is considered the new smoking so just moving a little more during the day can prevent muscle loss, chronic diseases, and of course- help with weight. Exercise is also great for improving mood, focus, and depression/anxiety. I 110% believe this with my whole heart….give it a try 😉


What small changes have you seen make a great impact in your life?? Tell me about it here, or tweet at me @afitgirlsguide.


Circuit Workout

Every once in a while, a good sweaty circuit workout is just what I need. It’s short and effective. This one uses basic movements with little equipment and could be done at home with a couple of dumbbells.


*note: DB= dumbbell

Happy Sweating!





Please consult a physician before beginning a new workout program.

Motivation Monday: Productivity Essentials

Last Monday I went back to work full time after going part time when I started grad school last fall. I was working as a nanny, but have been in my current position since April, and was able to transition to full time before fall semester starts in 2 short weeks!
Now that my time is more limited, I’ve been trying to spend it wisely….not only is school starting in 2 weeks, but I’m also moving at the end of the month and I just had family in town for a week. Productivity and smart time management is more important than ever! Especially if I want to spend any time with my husband or pup….and I do.
Last week was a trial to see how a.m. workouts would go, and it seems like that’s going to be my best option for sticking to my workouts. I didn’t want to let myself get lazy, so I was at the gym at 6am last Monday…hopefully tomorrow will be the same!!


I’ve been keeping my eyes open for time management tips and trying to practice what I learn…here are a couple things that have been saving me!

  • Utilize the “Fringe Hours“- I heard about this book on this podcast last week and it really resonated with me. Utilizing the time that usually goes wasted (early morning, right after work)  is a great way to get more done and feel fulfilled.
  • Use the weekend wisely. I’m all about a relaxing weekend, but in order to feel a fresh start on Monday morning, I need to make sure a few things actually get done! My weekend must-do’s are cleaning, laundry, meal planning, grocery shopping, and a little meal prep. A couple of well spent hours are crucial to starting the week on the right foot! But don’t forget to relax too!
  • Plan out my workouts for the week ahead of time so I don’t show up to the gym without a plan
  • Pack my gym bag and lunch the night before! Since I’m getting ready at the gym a few days per week (until we move and are super close to our gym), it’s essential I have absolutely everything I need for heading to work!
  • There’s no such thing as multi tasking!! I heard this from a business consultant who coaches people who make $$$$ and he said that basically our minds can do 1 thing a time. If we do 2 things at once, we are like an internet browser- toggling back and forth-then every time we go back to the first thing, it takes a minute to re-focus and we actually lose time. It’s better to focus on one thing a time! Who knew?
  • To follow up the above, I believe there is a way to maximize time and do 2 things at once- for example using the time that eggs are boiling to unload the dishwasher. When you simply have to start a task and then let it go on it’s own (landry, dishes, cooking) you can spend the time you are waiting to do something productive. Win win!

I know I feel better when everything is planned out vs when I spend a lazy weekend doing nothing, so it is SO worth it to spend a couple hours trying to GSD !!

Have a productive week! Let me know if you have any tools, systems, or hacks you live by to get more out of your 24 hours!


What’s the real cost of juicing at home vs buying juice??

As you can see from my last couple posts/my instagram [@afitgirlsguide], I am a little obsessed with whole juicing again. It’s such a great way to get fruits and veggies in the diet…and in the case of whole juicing- fiber! I love whole juicing in my Blendtec because it keeps all the great fiber in it, vs separating it out in a typical juicer. And of course it’s tasty! I’ve been trying out some really great combos that are SO refreshing on a hot day.


In the past I used to buy a juice every now and then from Sprouts or Whole Foods, but they are so expensive and I never really made it a habit [luckily]. After buying produce specifically for juicing, I am totally shocked at how much juice can be made at home for the same price!!

Recently I’ve been doing 1/4 lemon, 1/2 cucumber, handful of kale, handful of watermelon, and about 1/4 of green apple with some water in the Blendtec.

Here’s what I purchased from Sprouts:

2 lemons @ .50 each
4 cucumbers @ .50 each
1 container of organic kale @ 3.49
1 seedless watermelon @ 3.99
2 green apples @ 1.49 /lb

total price: 12.09

This amount of produce will probably make about 8 drinks, with watermelon left over. That’s $1.51 per drink!! And it’s a lot more than the amount in a tiny juice bottle or cup too! Compare that with $7.99 bottle of Suja and you are saving a lot of $$$.

Of course this requires you have a high powered blender or juicer, but if it’s something you use often, it’s worth it! Save more money on juice, buy more lululemon…no brainer.

Have a great weekend!


Juice Obsession: watermelon-lime-cucumber detox juice

I started whole juicing with my Bledtec again, and I guess I had forgot how simple it is! There is no reason to spend $$$ on  juices if you can make them at home! #duh

picmonkey_image (3)

For this recipe I used:
1 cup watermelon (chopped up), half of a cucumber, and a quarter of a lime (peeled).
Blend and serve over ice. Easy Peasy and SO refreshing.

Watermelon and cucumbers are both super hydrating, the combo is perfect if you need a little de-bloat after some weekend indulging. No judgement. I don’t really believe in “detoxing” per se, because that’s what we have organs for…. but I totally know the post-vacay/Monday Morning feeling of needing to lay off the sugar/carbs, and hop back on the fruit & veggie train. As long as you aren’t starving yourself, I think juicing is part of a healthy lifestyle, and is a great way to get more nutrients into your diet!


And if you’re interested, here are a few reasons I will NEVER do a juice cleanse.

Happy Hump Day!


Motivation Monday: 5 minutes to more motivation

I think everyone faces a lack of motivation at some point. It’s normal for this feeling to ebb and flow, but what about when you just need to get your act together? Sometimes you have to be a big girl, but let’s face it…..sometimes you want to just snooze a little longer (or just waste a little more time instead of actually getting to work)!
I had a recent epiphany though, that no matter how many times I press snooze (or how good it might feel in the moment), it does NOT lead to feeling more rested. If anything I end up feeling rushed AND tired, instead of just a bit sleepy. Now when I’m feeling lazy in the morning, I make myself get up and make my bed. It leaves me feeling productive, and then I can start my morning.


Whether it’s work, fitness, or just life that needs to get done…here are some tips for YOU.

  • Go outside. Take a 5 minute walk and listen to your favorite song, or even better- this podcast.
  • Keep a private Pinterest board called motivation, with the things that speak to you personally. When the going gets tough, open up your board and remind yourself WHY you are going to push through.
  • Meditate. Take 5. Close your eyes and imagine yourself being successful, working hard, and kicking butt. Set a timer on your phone, and when the alarm rings, it’s time to get moving.
  • Ask yourself WHY. Are you just sleepy? Feeling lazy? Not excited about your goals anymore?  Asking yourself why can get to the root of the problem! If it’s just about of laziness, give yourself 5 more minutes to do whatever you want…pinterest, online shopping…but SET A TIMER!! And then get to work!
  • Stand up and stretch! There is something about getting the blood moving that wakes up the mind, and allows you to keep powering through. Look up some videos for stretching on youtube. There are a ton, no matter your level of privacy or surroundings!
  • Drink a large glass of water. Seems weird right? But dehydration can do some funky things to the mind and body, so drink up! Doing something good for yourself will give you a little step in the right direction.

Do you have any tips for getting sh*t done?? If you want some more productivity tips, check out this post.


Skinny Watermelon Lemonade 

A couple of weeks ago, I was at Menchies (best froyo place EVER), and they had lemon and watermelon flavored frozen yogurt in the same machine. The combo was delicious and perfect for a hot day. I figured it would be perfect for a summer drink as well. This is a super easy throw-together recipe, and it tastes so refreshing.


You will need:
1 cup chopped watermelon
1 lemon, peeled and seeded
4-8 oz water
Stevia, to taste

Throw the peeled/seeded lemon in the blender with the watermelon and puree. If your watermelon isn’t that sweet (or if you’d like it sweeter), add a tiny bit of stevia at a time. Pour over ice with a bit of water. If you only want a bit of flavor, use more water!

